Tournament News

2016 News

Since its inception almost twenty years ago, the goal of Claiborne Charity, Inc., a non-profit organization, has remained the same, that is to maintain a fund to provide charitable assistance in and for Claiborne Parish residents, our neighbors and friends that were not being helped by existing, more traditional charities. Examples include devastating illness that strikes a family, creating financial hardships not covered by insurance or other funding sources or house fires that destroy life and property belonging to someone who has little or no insurance.

Monies are distributed by application only. Claiborne Charity does not advertise; rather, its board solicits input from social workers, ministers, principals, and health care workers in the community. Decisions regarding disbursements are made by a six member board made up of two members each from the Haynesville area, Homer area, and southern part of Claiborne Parish.

The main source of funding for Claiborne Charity is our annual golf tournament, along with an auction; but we are now pleased to report a new strategic partnership with former Haynesville High football and NFL standout, Mr. Demetric Evans. Simply put, Demetric wants to give back to his home parish; and partnered with Claiborne Charity, we are pleased to announce this new association with one of our own and look forward to his involvement with the Charity. For his part, Demetric’s personal time and financial commitment to our organization, along with his NFL contacts, will guarantee the success of our new joint venture, a venture that will surely benefit the youth of this parish. Be sure to look for Demetric at this year’s tournament, along with a few friends of his, and be sure to thank him and them for their commitment to our community.

As always, thanks for your continued support of Claiborne Charity.

George Tigner

Other Tournament News



Pat Abshire - 318.773.3927 Ami Garrett - 870.904.1435 info@claibornecharity.com